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    Scheduled 2017 Price Increase On February 15th! Last Chance To Save On Our SnapTable Collection

    Thinking about purchasing a SnapTable HD or SnapTable Pro this year? Now is the time to take action! As of February 15, 2017 our SnapTable Collection will increase by 5% domestically.

    SnapTablernPRO: Price will increase by $740 to $15,735 + S/H

    SnapTablernHD: Price will increase by $525 to $10,495 + S/H

    “Raising prices in this competitive market will allow us to remain competitive while still producing high quality products and honoring our warranty, which we’re very proud of,” mentions Jonathan Dravecky, CEO.

    Our clients find the SnapTable HD and SnapTable PRO to be a great investment for metal roofing installations. Even after years of perfecting a roofing technique, nothing beats the clean cuts and consistent hems of a SnapTable. An added bonus – both SnapTables are fully operational and manually powered by only one person. We guarantee you’ll be saving time, money, and labor cost at each and every job.

    “The difference in using the SnapTable for metal roofing over traditional methods, is like traveling with a car instead of a horse,” said Mark Young, President of Prime Roofing in Jacksonville, Florida. “The SnapTable allows you to clip the ribs, slit the panel, and hem the edge MUCH quicker and more accurately than traditional methods. Purchasing a SnapTable will allow your company to do higher quality work faster than you ever thought possible.” To learn more about the Prime Roofing project please click here.

    If you want to save moneyrnon a SnapTable, January is the time to buy! New year means new metal roofing resolutions – let the SnapTables help you save time and labor cost thisrn2017!

    Lock down the cost of your SnapTable before the price increase kicks in. Give our sales department a call at (877) 588-8748 or email [email protected] or

    *Please note: Price increase will not affect our shear packages


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