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    How to Set Metal Roof Panel Widths on the SnapTable PRO

    The SnapTable PRO is fully adjustable to accommodate metal roof panel widths between 12 and 24 inches. Its innovative design ensures complete and consistent accuracy when notching and cutting panels. The following how-to video describes the process of setting metal roof panel widths on the SnapTable PRO.

    1. Loosen the T-bolt underneath the table tops.
    2. Rotate the wheel in the back clockwise to widen the table tops, counter-clockwise to shorten them.
    3. Slide a panel of the desired width into the table.
    4. Lock the operator side notcher (male side) into place to hold the panel.
    5. Rotate the wheel to line up the rib and position the panel so the female side notcher will come down uniformly on the panel and the rib.
    6. Retighten the T-bolt to lock the tables into place at the desired width.
    7. To keep your panel square as you guide it through the table, loosen your guide rollers, move them into place to touch the panel, and retighten them.

    SnapTable PRO Accommodates a Broad Range of Panel Profiles

    The SnapTable PRO is designed to be highly versatile and can accommodate metal roof panels in the following profiles:

    • Mechanical Seam Panels – 1-inch, 1 1/2-inch, 2-inch
    • Snap Lock Panels – 1-inch, 1/2-inch, 1 3/4-inch
    • Nail Flange Panels – 1-inch, 1 1/2-inch
    • Baton Lock Panels – 1-inch, 1 1/2-inch, 2-inch

    Learn More About Swenson Shear’s SnapTable PRO

    Are you a professional roofing contractor specializing in metal roof system and looking for the best roofing tools? The towable SnapTable PRO can reduce your overall time of preparing metal roofing panels on the job site by 30-40 percent.

    To request a quote and get more information about our standing seam metal roof tools, exposed fastener panel tools, or stone coat shingle tools, contact [email protected] or call (877) 588-8748.

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