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    Introducing the Swenson Shear Distributor Media Kit

    Need materials to market Swenson Shears’ specialty roofing tools? We’re here to help. Our new Media Kit, now available to all members of our distributor program, is your one-stop marketing resource.

    The Media Kit includes full-page flyers and postcards for our entire product line. As a bonus, we added a press release and distributor printing instructions. All collateral material is print-ready — all distributors have to do is contact their local printing vendors to work out the details.

    The media kit has three sections:

    Distributor Postcards
    Distributor Flyers
    Distributor Downloading Instructions

    “We’ve listened to our large-scale distribution customers. Whether you’re looking to rent or sell our products, we’re 100% behind your efforts to distribute to customers and help you sell them. It’s our pleasure to offer distributor price breaks on our pivot shears and snaptables.”

    — Jonathan Dravecky, CEO 

    Now is the time to become an official Swenson Shear distributor! For more information, please visit, email [email protected], or contact our national sales manager at (877) 588-8748.

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