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    What is 9 + 2?

    Save Time & Money With Less Guys On The Ground & More Guys On The Roof!

    Less guys on the ground, more on the roof – now there’s a motto we are proud to stand by. What used to take hours in panel preparation by hands is now dramatically cut thanks to the swift and precise cuts of the SnapTable. Both SnapTables are fully operational and manually powered by only one person, allowing the rest of the crew to be installing on the roof.

    “Initially, it took four hours for four guys torninstall panels on one valley,” said Richard Pruden, owner of Pruden Roofing of Lodi, California. “Once we purchased the SnapTable we immediately started saving time with panel preparation. Cutting, hemmingrnand notching became a simple and scalable task. It’s safe to say that the SnapTable paid for itself with this one job.”

    Click here to learn more about Pruden Roofing’ Oak Farm Vineyards project.

    What else does the SnapTable save? Metal waste. Give our sales department a call to learn more at (877) 588-8748, or emailing [email protected] or visiting

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