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    Swenson Shear Is The Best Option For International Builders

    For over a decade, we have been shipping products all around the world. Thanks to our seamless payment process, we make purchasing easy for our international customers. From Mexico to Brazil, or Brazil to China, we’ve helped metal roofing companies save time, money and reduce job costs.

    “When an international company chooses to buy from us, we take care of them from start to finish,” CEO Jonathan Dravecky mentions. “Our supply chain eases the process by shepherding the containers loaded and consolidated before being shipped. We leverage our deep understanding in logistics and supply chain for the benefit of our customers.”

    Our Swenson shears have always been popular amongst international customers, however lately we’ve experienced tremendous interest in our SnapTableHD and SnapTablePro. As with the shears, our SnapTable products are manual and require no electrical power, which is advantageous for our domestic and international customers while on the job site.

    According to the Metal Roofing Magazine, the United States is a “small fish in the sea” compared to the rest of the world’s demand for metal roofing. Metal roofing is growing internationally, and it’s growing fast. Our innovative tools help our customers speed the process and improve the quality of metal panel preparation and for installation.

    Please contact us to learn about our products and special pricing by calling our Sales Department (877) 588-8748, emailing [email protected] or visiting

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