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    News Alert! Swenson Shear Revises Distributor Program

    Calling all distributors!

    We have revamped the distributor program to create a more efficient, systemized process to help our members capitalize on sales and make the ordering process easier. But it doesn’t end there — stay tuned, you won’t want to miss the latest news and deals!

    Morgan Swenson Shear

    Here’s how we’re streamlining our distributor program.

    New Shear Sales Through Distributors Only

    We will now redirect all shear sale inquiries to the distributor nearest the customer.

    “Our goal is to help members make the most profit when selling our tools,” says Swenson Shear’s National Sales Manager, Morgan Aue. “By connecting leads with corresponding distributors, our members will be able to make the most of the program and capitalize on sales.”

    New P.O. Process For Easy Ordering

    Our new P.O. process makes Swenson Shear orders seamless. We designed a universal distributor form for the M42 Pivot Shear in order to eliminate follow-up calls for missing information that might delay orders. This change allows the Swenson Shear team to move into production as soon as we receive the P.O. form.


    Important Friendly Reminders:

    • P.O. form is designed for M42 Pivots Shear orders only.
    • M42 Pivot Shears are only sold in bulk packages and require a minimum order of five. Ask us for more pricing info!
    • Distributors will receive discounts and credit for sales by submitting a P.O. form. We don’t offer benefits for referring a customer.
    • To learn more about member categories click here.

    Ready to restock your order? Fill out your new P.O. form and send it to our National Sales Manager Morgan Aue. For product information, visit our website or give us a call at (877) 588-8748.

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