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    The Best Tool to Close the Rib of a Snaplock or Nailstrip Profile

    Not only is Swenson Shear’s SnapTable PRO a powerful, timesaving tool for notching, cutting and hemming standing seam panels — it is also highly useful for other functions as well. For example, the SnapTable PRO is the best tool to close the rib of a snaplock or nailstrip profile by creating a tab over. The following how-to videos describe the process.

    1. Set your notchers at the preferred angle, then move the notcher one additional inch.
    2. To create your tab, use this additional inch to over-adjust the mitered angle at your notching station, then snip back one inch to reach your desired mitered offset angle.
    3. Rotate the slitter to set your angle between the notches, then mark your offset using a combination square ruler.
    4. Cut back your one-inch offset using tin snips.
    5. Cut inside the corner and fold over the tab by hand. Clean up the excess using your snips.
    6. Take your panel to the hemming station, clamp it down and hem over. (NOTE: Both sides of the standing seam need to hit flush against the fencing inside the hemmer.)

    Still uncertain of the steps? The video below shows the process in greater detail.

    Learn More About Swenson Shear’s SnapTable PRO

    Swenson Shear is the number one international provider of metal roof cutting tools for a range of metal roof systems, including standing seam roofs, exposed fastener roofs, and stone coat roofs. All of our metal roof panel preparations tools are designed to make the jobs of professional roofing contractors faster and easier. To request a quote for our towable SnapTable PRO or any one of our other metal roofing tools, contact [email protected] or call (877) 588-8748.

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