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    Introducing VIP SnapTable Training Packages & Certification

    Want to learn how to maximize your SnapTable Pro on the jobsite? Then this package deal is right for you! A member of our team will travel to your job site location or HQ and provide hands-on training for your team. With a starting price of $1,500* Our SnapTable specialist will provide hands-on workshops to personally show you and your team how to operate, maintain, clean, and make the most out of the SnapTable. Take the time to help your guys become Swenson Shear SnapTable certified so they can best maximize their panel preparation skills. Before you know it, they’ll be spending less time on the ground and more time on the roof.

    Second best option to anrnin-person training session? Our videos! Be sure to check them out.

    Please contact us to learn about our special training packages and pricing by calling our Sales Department (877) 588-8748 or emailing [email protected].

    *Please note, pricing varies by logistical proximity.

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